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公司简介 纽科伦(新乡)起重机有限公司,系中外合资企业,创建于2005年8月,位于有“中国起重机械之乡”美誉的河南省新乡市长垣县河南起重工业园区,注册资本2.7亿元人民币,总投资3亿元人民币,占地面积32万平方米,现有员工1700余人,其中,高、中级专业技术、管理人员400人,公司配备有国际、国内、行业**的生产、检测设备1600多台套,专业生产桥、门式起重机及轻小型起重设备3大类18个系列200多个品种起重运输设备。其中NH系列钢丝绳电动葫芦、ND系列钢丝绳电动葫芦、HD型电动单梁处于国内**水平。公司于2007年6月通过了ISO9001质量体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18001职业健康**管理体系认证,全面提升了企业的整体管理水平。 公司具有年产单梁15000台,双梁5000台,电动葫芦30000台的产能。公司生产区建筑面积17万平方米,其中钢结构生产厂房四座,约80000平方米,钢结构库房8400平方米以及露天生产作业区84000平方米。建设现代化的办公楼、多功能厅、职工公寓等办公、生活、娱乐设施23600平方米,绿化区域23000平方米,是集研发、生产、销售为一体的现代化制造企业。 公司配置了业内先进的生产设备,拥有用于单梁生产的全国**条抛丸喷漆烘干线、单梁U型槽一次成型生产线、葫芦喷漆烘干线和全国**大的100T葫芦实验台和检测中心,以及配套的先进机加工设备和焊接设备,如数控平面钻床、数控等离子切割机火焰、全功能数控车床、全自动钻床、数显镗床、焊接机器人等一批国内知名品牌的先进设备,为制造高品质的产品奠定了坚实的基础。 公司将继续弘扬“真诚、融合、进取、共赢”的企业精神,坚持“精心制造、持续改进、追求卓越、用户满意”的质量方针,遵循诚信经营之道,严格执行《中华人民**外资企业法实施细则》,按照外资企业经营运作模式,汲取国内外管理精华,以引进**的人才、打造**的企业、实行**的管理、制造**的产品,竭诚与海内外各界朋友携手合作,实现利益双赢。 Brief Introduction Nucleon (Xinxiang) Crane Co., Ltd. is a sino-foreign joint venture. Established in August, 2005 and situated in Henan Crane Industrial Park which has the good reputation of “Village of Crane Machinery in China”, It covers an area of 320 thousand square meters with registered capital RMB 270 million Yuan and total investment RMB 300 million Yuan. There are 1700 staffs among whom medium and senior professional technicians and managerial personnel account for 400. Besides, it owns production testing equipments more than 1600 sets and the major products are bridge crane, gantry crane and light lifting hoists, including 3 categories and 18 series and more than 200 products variations. The NH model hoist, ND model hoist and HD model electric single girder crane come to be on the national top level. Our enterprise had passed the ISO9001 quality management system confirmation, ISO14001 environmental management system confirmation and career health management system. It promoted the company management level totally. Our company is capable of producing 15000 single girder cranes, 3000 double girder cranes and 30000 electric hoists in one year. The workshop covers 170000 square meters and it has four steel structure workshops about 80000 square meters, the steel structure warehouse 8400 square meters and outdoor production areas of 84000 square meters. The constructions are modern office building, multi-function hall, apartment and other office worker life and entertainment facilities of 23600 square meters, 23000 square meters of green area. It is built to be a combination of researching, producing and selling modern enterprise. Equipped with the advanced production equipment, our company has used the national first single blast spray paint dry line in the manufacturing procedure, the single-girder U slot shaping production line, the spray paint dry line and the national largest 100 T hoist test desk and testing center, and an advanced machining equipment and welding equipment, such as CNC plane drilling machine, CNC plasma cutting machine and the multi-functional digital control lathe, automatic d

  • 所在地区:河南省新乡市长垣县
  • 行业分类:
  • 企业类型:外资企业
  • 注册资金:27000万人民币元
  • 经营方式:
  • 员工人数:1000人以上
  • 地址:河南省?新乡市?长垣县-河南起重机械工业园区
  • 邮编:453400
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